Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Proudest moments of a Personal Trainer

Today I recieved this email for Andrea. She is in our 9:30 a.m. class. I am so proud or her. She tries really hard with everything that I ask her to do. She sees results because she does all her homework, keeps track of her calories, and continues to exercise regularly. Here is what she wrote in an email to me today.

"I had a very pleasant surprise when I went to weigh in this morning -
I finally surpassed the 75 pounds lost mark! :)"

The cool thing about her comment is that she started this healthy journey on her own with weight watchers I think. She then hit a wall and stopped losing the weight. She realized at that point that she needed to add exercise and strength training into her life. Now that she is doing that she losing weight again, building muscle, and strengthening her core.

We love you Andrea!!! You are an inspiration to us all and I hope your family in Australia notices how hot you look now.


Andrea said...

:) :) :) :) :)

Thanks Mendy!

I started WW in Jan 2007, so the weight loss journey has been a long time in the making. Following the WW program taught me good food choices and portion control (although I haven't always paid attention to them along the way!)

But this class...this has taught me my true potential when it comes to how my body works. I lost 65+ pounds by doing fairly lightweight workouts (or "girlie workouts" as I called them in our opening classes as the sweat was rolling off of me. :) But now I have so many different options of how to work my body and muscles, and how to do so effectively.

I am more ecstatic about the last 7.8 pounds than any that I lost before - because I know how hard I worked to ditch them!! It's a heady sense of accomplishment.