Thursday, October 23, 2008

Holiday Survival Plan

It's that time of year.....Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, need I go on? A hard time of year when you are trying to watch what you eat. I found this article in Good Housekeeping magazine and thought it was worth sharing; especially for those of us who won't be taking BMB next time.
"Make sure your holiday bulge doesn't stick around: Get a close friend to watch you step on the scale now and after New Year's. When researchers weighed 19 people before Thanksgiving and again mid-January, participants' weights stayed the same-even though they consumed 36 percent more calories a day, on average, over the holidays. Knowing they'd be held accountable motivated volunteers to shed the extra pounds, suggest reserchers..."

1 slice pecan pie (670 calories)=5+ scoops of Edy's Slow Churned Butter Pecan Ice Cream (120 calories per 1/2 cup).


Andrea said...

I just read that issue of Good Housekeeping - it had some great tips.

My WW leader is fond of reminding us that the upcoming festive dates are holiDAYS and not holiWEEKS or holiMONTHS.

I had to print that out and put it on my fridge as a reminder. This time of the year is just plain dangerous!!

Mendy said...

I love that Andrea, I am going to start using those terms. Tell you WW gal I said "thanks"

Andrea said...

Thought you'd like that - and it really speaks to the mindset of this time of year. So many food-centric holidays crammed into a short span of time. Yikes!

And would you believe I have a male WW leader? It makes for an interesting dynamic, but I think it helps the few guys that show up for meetings.